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The Fire Sprinkler System Installation Services of Thorpe Fire Sprinkler Systems

General Fire Sprinkler Systems Installation, Inspection, Testing, Maintenance and Repair

Fire Sprinklers have been the most effective form of fire protection for decades, but they must be installed, tested and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association.  Our Fire sprinkler installation, testing, inspection, and maintenance program meets or exceeds the requirements set forth in NFPA and the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction.

Our reliable, friendly, professional staff of estimators, designers, fitters, service and office personnel work together to meet the needs of our customers. Providing quality, dependable products and service to our customers is of the utmost importance. 

We handle a wide variety of fire protection needs. From the small, retrofit project to new building installations, repair, inspections and confidence testing we are here for you. A qualified fire Sprinkler Systems contractor will visually inspect all components unique to the property’s systems and test them at the required times. 

The Idaho fire systems contractor will verify that the system appears to be in operating condition and is free of physical damage. If the systems appear to be damaged or in risk of faulty operation we can provide the necessary maintenance. This includes logging and retention of relevant records.

Thorpe's Fire Sprinkler System Services

Different Fire System Options

Antifreeze Fire Sprinkler Systems

Antifreeze fire sprinkler systems are a type of wet pipe system utilizing automatic fire sprinklers that contains a liquid solution to prevent freezing of the system piping.  These systems are intended to discharge the solution upon sprinkler operation, followed immediately by water.

Foam Water Fire Sprinkler Systems

Foam-water systems utilize a foam concentrate which is then injected into the water as it is distributed to the fire sprinkler system.  Foam-water systems are typically used in high hazard situations.

Wet Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems

A wet pipe sprinkler system is a sprinkler system employing automatic sprinkler heads attached to a piping system containing water and connected to a water supply so that water discharges immediately from sprinklers opened by heat from a fire.

Each sprinkler is activated individually when it is heated to its design temperature.

Dry Pipe Fire Sprinkler Systems

A dry pipe sprinkler system is a system employing automatic sprinkler heads attached to a piping system containing air or nitrogen under pressure. The release of this pressure (as from the opening of a sprinkler) permits the water pressure to open a valve known as a dry pipe valve and the water then flows into the piping system and out of the open sprinkler head.

Dry pipe sprinkler systems are installed in areas where wet pipe systems may be inappropriate such as areas where freezing temperatures might be expected.

Deluge Fire Sprinkler Systems

The arrangement of deluge fire sprinkler system piping is similar to a wet or dry pipe system with two major differences:

  1. Standard sprinklers are used, but they are all open. The activating elements have been removed so that when the control valve is opened water will flow from all of the sprinklers simultaneously and deluge the area with water.
  2. The deluge valve is normally closed. The valve is opened by the activation of a separate fire detection system.

Deluge systems are used where large quantities of water are needed quickly to control a fast-developing fire. Deluge valves can be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically operated.

Pre-action Fire Sprinkler Systems

A pre-action sprinkler system is a type of fire sprinkler system employing automatic sprinklers that are attached to a piping system that contains air that might or might not be under pressure, with a supplemental detection system installed in the same area as the sprinklers.

We’d love to hear from you!

Thorpe Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc., in a licensed fire protection sprinkler contractor in the state of Idaho.

We offer Fire Sprinkler Systems for residential and commercial applications, designed and installed by our motto, “right and on-time”.
Copyright © 2015 Thorpe Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc
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